Baby Seating

August 12, 2012

Sailboat Nod Chair
I've been looking for baby seating for a few weeks now, and the above is probably my dream set for Harvey.  The colors match his room and it's just so cute I can't help but want it.  Based on reviews and photos I've seen online, though, it looks like it might be a bit too big for Harvey right now.

PBKids Anywhere Chair
These Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chairs are the only ones I've seen in person, and while they look really comfortable, Harvey was swallowed up when he tried to sit in one.

P'Kolino Little Reader Chair
P'Kolino Little Reader Chair
The P'Kolino Little Reader Chair is admittedly very plain compared to the previous options, but it's the right size and I like the little side pockets for books and other things.

P'Kolino Silly Soft Seating
P'Kolino Silly Soft Seating
Initially, this was the chair I was leaning the most towards purchasing because of its various functions.  Look, it's a chair!  No, it's a table!  Plus, it's quite whimsical.  the only negative about it is that Harvey won't be able to lean back against it.

Those are all the candidates.  Now I need your help to decide which to get.  What do you think?


  1. I'd go with the nautical theme. Harvey will eventually grown into it plus it has a backrest so it should be alright even if it's too big for him right now :)

  2. I pick the sailor one or the pottery barn ones :D def not the bear ahahah or the blue felted one...


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