Harvey Kai at 4 months

August 15, 2011

Taken on July 16, 2011. This time my in-laws were visiting, so we were able to have a little celebration out in the backyard.  And, yay, I'm finally catching up on Harvey's monthly photos!  I had to do this today as tomorrow is his 5th monthsary.  Yes, I believe monthsary is a word, and if it's not, then it should be! :)

Ah, a rare family photo.  I really should start using my tripod so we don't have to depend on other people to take our family photos.

Notice how Papa is holding up Harvey's 4 month flash card?

Harvey just decided to make a grab for it!  We were all extremely amused!


  1. I really wish I did those numbers too! Now, looking through V's photos, I have no idea how old he was!

  2. I know, right? I'm planning to do them until he's 2.


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