Harvey's first plane ride and Chicago day 1

August 12, 2011

Waiting to board the plane.

Harvey was 3.5 months when took this weekend trip to Chicago.  We wanted to see how he would handle the flight since we are planning a longer trip in September.  If it was too difficult, then we weren't going on any more plane trips in the near future.  Fortunately, he behaved incredibly well. Yay, Harvey!

Finally got his own seat after everyone else deplaned.

Luckily, Harvey was napping the entire time Hao and I were enjoying lunch at Blackbird.  He woke up just in time for dessert, demanding to be held by Papa.

Marc Chagall's Windows on America

We were lucky a guard told us there was actually a bridge from the Art Institute of Chicago to Millennium Park.  We were planning to cross the street until he told us there was a faster way with a better view.

MIllennium Park

Of course we had to take photos by the Cloud Gate, or as we called it, "the Bean".


To be continued...


  1. Ooh wow! I watched a Jake Gyllenhall movie set in Chicago and I was amazed at how gorgeous that city is!

  2. I know! I always thought Chicago was dark and dreary. Now I want to go back!


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