Harvey loves his Bumbo

September 8, 2011

Are you looking at me, Mama?
This is mine!  
I love my toy truck!
Playtime with Mama is fun!
Harvey and I have an after nap time routine.  Once he leaves his crib, he spends some time sitting on his Bumbo.  When he first started using the Bumbo, he could hardly hold his head up and would just slump over, so it's been amazing seeing him learn to sit up and actually interact with us.

After Bumbo time is Jumperoo time, but that's for another post.


  1. Love the caption and love Harvey!

  2. Harvey loves you, too, Auntie Ida, even though he hasn't seen you yet :)

  3. ps: I'm hosting a little giveaway on my blog this week, you should come over and play. Harvey might win a little prezzie for his bedroom!


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