Harvey Kai at 5 Months

September 7, 2011

Harvey Kai at 5 months Harvey Kai at 5 months Harvey Kai at 5 months

Ahh, it's that time of the month again.  Okay, so these were taken about three weeks ago, and I still haven't managed to do timely monthly posts.  Time really does fly when you have a baby!  It seems like he just turned 5 months and now he'll be 6 months in 10 days.

Harvey Kai at 5 months
Yes, it annoys me that they put an apostrophe in "months".
Harvey Kai at 5 monthsHarvey Kai at 5 months

We celebrated the usual way --  with Papa's favorite ice cream cake from DQ.  Too bad Harvey can't enjoy it yet.  Soon, baby, soon!

Harvey Kai at 5 monthsHarvey Kai at 5 months

And these photos are really just an excuse to show off his outfit, which I bought before he was even born.  The bib was a gift.  Harvey's having a little snack before he heads out with Mama and Papa to officially celebrate his 5th month.

Happy 5 months, baby!  


  1. Happy 5 almost 6 mos Harvey!!! You're outfit is adorable and so are you!

  2. so much hair! happy 5-6 months little man :)

  3. Thanks, Claudia! Everyone comments on his hair!

  4. does he get a cake at every month birthday? that's super cute!

  5. Yes, we try to make sure he gets something at his every month birthday. Speaking of which, I think we forgot to get him something for his 6th month because we were away from home. :(


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