New England Air Museum

March 4, 2013

Patiently waiting for his turn...
Now that Harvey's a bit older, I figure it's time for him to explore more of what's around our area.  It's as good an excuse as any for us to get out of the house as well; otherwise, we're too content to just stay at home.  The New England Air Museum is about 25 minutes away from us so it was a pretty quick drive.


Harvey was thrilled once he got inside the cockpit simulator.  Actually, I think Hao was thrilled as well.  Boys and their toys, eh?

"Look at me!"

Having a big hangar to run around in also gave my little boy a major case of fun.  There as lots of running around and oodles of giggles.

"Mama, is this a toy car?  Can I get in?"


There was an interactive section with pedal planes, but Harvey wasn't big enough to actually push the pedals.  guess who had to make the plane move?


After all the running, around, Harvey needed to just stop and rest for a bit. We spent about 75 minutes just playing around, and then headed home for lunch and a nap.  Someone slept really well yesterday afternoon! We really should do things like this more often.

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