We celebrated Thanksgiving at a friend's house. Just look at that shiny, juicy turkey! And yes, it tasted as good as it looks! Normally I'm not a huge fan of turkey, but this was so good I went back for seconds. I brought dessert but forgot to take any photos. I guess that just means I have to make those desserts again just so I can have photos for posterity, right?

Here's Harvey opening drawers in our friends' kitchen. Good thing they have kids as well and were okay with Harvey's curiosity.

And this is Harvey looking for his car which had rolled under the couch.

Harvey was a little young to join the big boys in their play, which was a little sad, but I'm also glad he's still my little baby. Much as I get really excited whenever he learns something new, I also don't want him to grow up too fast.
This Thanksgiving, I'm grateful for having a healthy and loving family, and for having friends to celebrate with. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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