Harvey at 100 Days

August 5, 2011

Taken on June 24, 2011 (100 days)

Traditional coral bracelets

Papa's favorite - DQ Ice Cream Cake
We celebrated Harvey's 100th day on June 24, 2011.  This is not something my side of the family does, so it was a new thing for me.  Apparently, celebrating baby's first 100 days represents the wish that baby lives to be 100 years old.

The coral bracelets and necklaces are gifts from Gwammy and Gong Gong (or Kong Kong) and are traditional gifts from my side of the family.  Most Chinese babies born in the Philippines wear these bracelets.  I don't know what the reasoning behind this is.  The closest I could find on Google is that wearing coral bracelets protects a newborn from evil.   

Happy 100 days, Harvey!  May you live to be 100 years old and always be protected from harm!


  1. Happy 100 days Harv! I'm sure you can't wait for the day when you can actually eat some of your cake. :)

  2. Ida - Harvey says you're absolutely right!

  3. I just came across your blog. Your baby is so adorable!!! I just also gave birth this year, January to be exact :-) ....I was also looking for a coral bracelet here in Germany but no luck :-(

  4. Cherry, thanks for dropping by! I dropped by your blog as well and love it. :)


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