Nursery Super Sneak Peek (and 37 weeks today!)

March 4, 2011

Nursery sneak peek

That's all I can show of the nursery so far as I haven't decided on the final layout yet.  There are also still some shelves to be assembled/put together, which we're waiting for DH to do.  Maybe we'll get to it this weekend. :)  It's getting close to the day we meet baby H!  I'm 37 weeks today!


  1. super cute sneak peek :)
    have a lovely weekend!

  2. I have two of those cute stuffed creatures (on the right). I am very curious to see what crib you picked. We are trying to decide on the babymod olivia crib but are open to other low price options (we're having twins... two cribs can't go oeuf!)


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