Nursery progress

January 3, 2011

Nursery 2

The above photo was taken during day 1 of construction. I was so excited to see the new window!  Can't wait to have more light pouring into the room.

Nursery 3

This is what the nursery looks like now after repainting. I chose Benjamin Moore's Cement Gray for the room, although I should figure out how to show the color more accurately since it seems to be skewing green on the right and left side walls. The wall where the new window is hews closest to the actual color.

The bookshelf will be moved to the basement and we're currently awaiting delivery of the crib and dresser.


  1. This is a great room -- love the windows and the wood floors (and I think that color looks great!).

    Also, to answer your question: I currently have simple white blinds on the one (notsobig) window in the room and I plan on keeping it; however, I am adding a DIY pelmet box in the same fabric I used for the crib skirt to perk it up a bit.

    Keeping the nursery pics comin'!


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