Crib Option 1: Baby Mod Olivia

January 27, 2011

One of the first things I started shopping for when I found out I was pregnant was the crib. I knew I wanted something simple, modern, and white. I wasn't a big fan of the cribs I saw at Babies R Us where one side is higher than the other. I didn't realize it was going to be so difficult to find a reasonably priced modern crib. It seemed every single one I liked was super expensive. I had to find a reasonable compromise.

Surprisingly, one of the first ones I considered is the Baby Mod Olivia 3-in-1 crib from Walmart!  It has really good reviews, and the price is definitely right. 

baby mod olivia

Before I started looking anywhere else, I was more than half convinced that this was going to be the crib for us.Tthe only thing I wasn't sure of was the two-tone color combination. I really would have preferred all white.  So did we choose this crib?  Time will tell...

(pic via)


  1. yes you did choose the crib is my guess... i had forgotten which one you chose.. i like the two toned-ness of this crib

  2. Maybe I should visit a Wallmart...I never went!
    Pretty nice crib :)

  3. Jenica - you'll have to wait for the other posts in the series :)

    Claudia - This crib is only available online. I also went to Walmart thinking I could see it in person.


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