30 weeks today!

January 14, 2011

alphabet wallpaper

Saw this wallpaper on the style-files and thought the entire little vignette was just so perfect.  If we were wallpapering our baby boy's room, this would be one of my top choices!

Also, I'm 30 weeks today and happy to reach this milestone happy and healthy, albeit a bit overwhelmed with so many things still left undone.


  1. 30 weeks :) wow wow wow...are you getting a bit nervous? last night, I had a mini "freaking out" moment! but now everything is fine!

    we are all different. so maybe you don't have to get any prenatal classes. I just like to be very well informed...if not, I panic.

    and I do love to go to "school". I always ask questions...I'm a bit like Lisa Simpson ;)

    Oh, love that wallpaper!

    take care and have a lovely week


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