First haircut

April 1, 2012


We decided to take Harvey for his first official haircut on January 3 since his hair was looking very unkempt.  There is a kids' hair salon in the nearby mall, aptly named Kids Hair Salon.  The salon "chairs" are mini cars and are super cute.  Each car has a TV in front of it to lull the child into a trance so they don't notice what's going on


The razor was silent, so Harvey didn't even realize something was happening!  Also, the other parents in the salon were commenting that they should have brought pacifiers as well so their babies wouldn't cry.


That is the look of someone engrossed in watching an Angry Birds DVD.

Untitled Untitled

He did really well and only started crying towards the end of the process.  Poor boy just wanted it to stop!  


He remained melancholy for a while afterwards, but Hao and I were both pleased with his new look.  Our only problem now is how to duplicate it now that we're back home!  I have no idea where to get his hair cut here.  We're in such a small town that the only options seem to be Supercuts.  I can trim his hair myself, but my skills don't extend to using a razor.  I must do further research as I don't really see myself driving 90 minutes to Boston just for a kid's hair cut.

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